Posts from October 2003

Dean's Not A Liberal

The New York Times has a piece on the front page today “Dean Struggles With A Stance Over Medicare“. The gist of the story is that Dean is under attack from his competitors over his comments in the mid 90’s over scaling back Medicare and and Social Security. It suggests that he’s got a real problem with these comments.

Well I think he should trumpet these comments not run from them. He’s not a liberal. He’s a Clinton-esque New Democrat who believes in fiscal responsibility. This is a huge asset, not a liability. Look at the way the Bush Administration has savaged our federal budget with massive spending increases and big tax cuts. Dean can fix all of that. He can make the tough choices, take the unpopular positions, and get us back to a balanced budget.

And the truly liberal losers like Gephardt should stop damaging one of the Democrats two real viable candidates before they weaken him.


Wireless Power

I am sitting at this conference with a great wifi network. No ethernet cables needed. No software needed. Just boot up and your are on the Net. It’s great.

But there is this power strip at my feet. I’ve got to get my power cable, wind it around the table, reach underneath the guy sitting next to me, and plug it in to get power to my computer.

Sure my battery works fine, but it will slowly lose its charge, and even with improvements in battery technology, there is never enough life on the battery.

So I’d like someone to invent wireless power. It should work just like WiFi. I don’t know if its possible given the laws of physics, but I’d sure like to find out. I’d invest in it.

So if its possible, please let me know. You can email me at the address in the Email Me link.

#VC & Technology