MP3 of the Week
I am looking forward to seeing the Red Hot Chili Peppers perform live next weekend at the Nascar Nextel All Star Challenge (formerly the Winston) between segment 1 and segment 2 at the Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Concord, North Carolina.
The Gotham Gal and I are taking the whole family down for the weekend. It will be our first time at a Nascar race and we are really looking forward to the whole experience.
In preparation, we’ve are getting familiar with the new RHCP record, Stadium Arcadium. Wow. What a record this is. Possibly the best thing they’ve ever done. It’s long with 28 tracks over two CDs, the Jupiter disc and the Mars disc. I prefer Mars but they are both really good.
My favorite track on the record, on the Mars disc, is called 21st Century. This song combines all that is great about the Chili Peppers, a funky groove, great fast paced lyrics, and a shredding John Frusciante guitar solo.
Here is live version from a set the Chili Peppers did for Zane Lowe at BBC Radio 1 in london last month. Thanks to Ear Farm for putting the links up and the photo at the top of this post.