A Web 2.0 Portal?
I’ve suggested to a number of people at Yahoo! that they ought to create a web 2.0 portal with the excellent web services they’ve purchased in the past 18 months; Flickr, Delicious, Upcoming, and several that they haven’t but have been rumored to be interested in like Digg and Technorati. They could combine their excellent web search service, their social search product myweb, and even stuff like Yahoo! Answers and possibly 360.
They could create a second front door to Yahoo! for those who are used to a more social, interactive web.
Maybe they are working on doing just that, but I am not aware of it. It seems they are happy to leave Flickr, Delicious, Upcoming, etc alone for now. And maybe that’s a good idea.
But according to Paid Content, AOL is going to do just that with its Netscape.com page.
If you visit Netscape, you’ll see that AOL hasn’t done it yet, but if the rumors I hear are true, we’ll be seeing something shortly.
It will be interesting to see how AOL combines these web 2.0 approaches into a portal and it will also be interesting to see how Yahoo! reacts since they’ve got a bunch of the leading web 2.0 services in their portfolio now.