No Link Love From Robert Scoble
Robert wrote a really interesting post on gestures Tuesday and for some reason decided to use my blog to make his point. I appreciate the attention. But he didn’t link to me and got some heat for the lack of link love in the comments to his post.
I have to admit that it was the first thing I thought about when I read the post – "where is the link?"
To me linking is the single most important thing about the web. Google’s whole system is based on links. If it weren’t for links, the web would suck.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not annoyed at Robert for the lack of a link. It’s not a huge deal one way or the other. But I agree with Michael Moncur’s comment on Robert’s blog.
I don’t understand the point of the “no
linking” thing. Is the idea that because I’m smart enough to use
Google, I might as well do extra work? I doubt Fred will get any
traffic from this. I for one didn’t bother finding him.
I read your weblog to find links to interesting things and people –
take away the links, and you’d be left with one big, useless “in” joke.
Comment by Michael Moncur — August 1, 2006 @ 1:30 am