Boxee App Dev Challenge Winners
As a follow up to my post last night about the big Boxee announcement, here are the winners of the App Dev Challenge that were announced last night:
Video Winners:
Popular Choice – BBC Live (Ian Tweedie)
Judge's Choice – Open Course Ware (Roshan Revankar)
Music Winners:
Popular Choice – Drop Boxee [ on Boxee] (Jon Steinberg)
Judge's Choice – We Are Hunted [this got my vote] (Nick Dima)
Photo Winners:
Popular Choice – Facebook (Junda Liu)
Judge's Choice – Facebook (Junda Liu)
It's great to see all the stuff (like MLB, Digg, Tumblr,, etc) that Boxee is bringing to the platform, but I am way more excited to see the app ecosystem take off. Apparently there are about 120 apps on Boxee now. My hope is that number will grow into the thousands by year end. At the end of the day, it's people like Ian, Roshan, John, Nick, and Junda (ie us) that will make Boxee the best media browser.
Comments (Archived):
>> … that will make boxee the best media browser.FredGreat event. Heard Avner also comment on focusing on what boxee does best. I considered doing a project around boxee until you guys started talking about becoming a hardware provider. Has that idea been put away, or is it still on the drawing board somewhere?-ski
Actualy, Boxee originally started out with a custom hardware platform. They’ve put that aside for the last two years or so, but perhaps they are reconsidering it.Personally, I’d like to see Boxee running *inside* the TV. In the end, TV’s are simply going to become simply computers that are optimized for large display. There’s really no need for set-top boxes, just put it all inside the TV itself.
You got it right chris. But boxee won’t make the TV. They’ll make the software that runs in the TV
When avner first pitched me, boxee was a hardware company using open source software. I told him if you come back as an open source software company that freely licenses its software to hardware mfrs of all kinds, I’ll get interested. He did and I did. There’s no going back. That said, I hope that there will be boxee powered devices in retail this holiday season. Boxee will be a better platform for developers if its is widely available on lots of CE hardware
I like the concept. But don’t underestimate the barrier that an added cable might pose for adoption. The action of connecting the computer to the TV seems simple enough but I could see that simple deed slowing down the S-curve for TV usage.
Yup. Which is why boxee needs to be factory installed in TVs when they ship with microprocessors in them
Any thoughts how Boxee is going to bridge the Analog/Digital (or even old digital) Divide?This week Kodak announced it was ending production of Kodachrome (must stockpile some so I can learn to shoot on it- it is easier to learn the finer points of digital that way). Ilford still is in the game, at least for Black and White- I think Fujifilm is also still producing their colorfilmsMeanwhile, you write earlier this month about a band pressing an LP in vinyl.Do you want to go running around to record makers to imprint unhearable sounds at the beginning and ends of songs on records that would mean something to a record player than can be plugged into a computer?Or that 35 mm film should also have bar-codes, or something similar, in the remaining film brand by the sprocket winding holes that can be read by normal everyday scanners and that only appear after development?Even though it is built from Firefox’s mold- it doesn’t have FF look/feel. If someone wanted to- could they implement that level of functionality?
They are not going to address analog. But they may support over the air HD. That’s an interesting way to get to stuff like live sports
I think the bridge has to be coming quickly that tv with have wi-fi standard to pick up your home network. A Wii has it; a tv can have it