Funding Friday: Good Fences Make Good Neighboors

“generally it reflects a misunderstanding of humanity”

To back this project, go here.


Comments (Archived):

  1. Twain Twain

    Without art, our models of intelligence are half-baked. I think about this A LOT as I craft my system. https://uploads.disquscdn.c

  2. Twain Twain

    It’s not the physical barriers we can see that are the root problems. It’s the internal mental barriers we can’t see or haven’t yet modeled that create those physical barriers.The internal dynamics of mind are what I’m super-interested in.

    1. Richard

      Physical Walls ? It’s amazing how we create problems in the US. Yep, in the US mental walls are by far the bigger problem.

      1. Vasudev Ram

        OH: In a world without Gates, we wouldn’t need Windows.Or something.

    2. finnich

      I agree with you !

  3. Anne Libby

    Wow, wonderful. Congratulations, Kickstarter — what a great creator to have on board.

  4. William Mougayar

    This part from the campaign site was striking:”When the Berlin Wall fell, there were 11 countries with border fences and walls. By 2016, that number had increased to 70. We are witnessing a rise in nationalism, an increase in the closure of borders, and an exclusionary attitude towards migrants and refugees, the victims of war and the casualties of globalization.”

    1. Dennis Mykytyn

      “Exclusionary attitude”? Both the US and EU admitted record numbers of migrants and refugees last year.As to “nationalism” the first 2 sentences from Wikipedia don’t sound too bad:”Nationalism is a range of political, social, and economic systems characterised by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group’s homeland. The political ideology therefore holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination.”

      1. SubstrateUndertow

        Imagine if all the cells in your body applied that “nationalism” self-interest criteria to their participation in the global phenomena that is @DennisMykytyn ?At some point evolution applied a higher order of collaborative interdependency that elevates life from single cell organisms to more complex multi-cell organisms.Guess what ?That same evolutionary complexity gradient is now forcing itself on both individual humans and by extension on nation states as an inescapable consequence of advancing technological etwork-effect interdependencies. Resistance to this universal evolutionary organizing gradient would seem futile if history is any guide.Complex cellular interdependency has evolved human organisms with total colonizing power over less collaborative cellular organizing schemes as has complex nation-state social interdependencies allowed the nationstate to banish tribal organizing structures.Next up to be subsumed into a higher order of complex organizational evolutionary interdependencies is the “nationstate”.Resistance seems futile!The other possibly is that we humans are the end of the line, we represent an evolutionary organizing-principle cul-de-sac. Maybe collaborative cognitive introspection between 7 billion people is an evolutionary bridge to far given the localized volitional-self-interest at the core of human evolution.To put the McLuhan spin on it, we may be the collapsing end state of pushing “complex interdependency evolutionary” too far thus flipping the process into its opposite, from an evolutionary tool into an evolutionary impediment/crash?Maybe the looming network-effect “singularity” is a bust not a boom 🙁

      2. William Mougayar

        More time/resources need to be spent trying to solve these conflicts rather than be on the reactive end, taking the influx of refugees.

    2. SubstrateUndertow

      Is this not just the inevitable fallout from the fact that we are nationally/internationally/universally failing to evolve any meaningful, enforceable, or sustainable social/economic equitability mechanisms, all in the face of an information-age revolution that now rubs that fact in everyones face like never before ?

      1. William Mougayar

        There are too many global conflicts today, and that’s not a good trend, at this moment.

    1. Tom Labus

      are we experiencing a “proletarian cultural revolution”? Will we be “reeducating” our economists, historians and artists?

  5. Vendita Auto

    Interested to read the comments and compare with the comments on “If You Lie Down With Dogs, You Come Up With Fleas”

  6. jason wright


  7. Richard

    There is no wall that is higher than a bubble.

  8. Kirsten Lambertsen

    Nicely juxtaposed against yesterday’s theme of constraints :-)Let the duality wash over you, folks.

    1. Vasudev Ram

      >Let the duality wash over you, folksWow, Zen-ish statement :)Or should that be Tao-ish.

      1. Kirsten Lambertsen

        Maybe both ;-P

        1. Vasudev Ram

          Even better! Dual <-> both 🙂

  9. creative group

    CONTRIBUTORS:How much would this pairing tear down the fences created by both parties?

  10. Junaid Mian

    Changed my perspective on fences. Very enlightening.

  11. Michael Elling

    The reason people have fences is for security and privacy; mostly. But they they are also used by those in control to subjugate and dominate others and retain their control. One cannot blanketly say that all fences are bad.Pink Floyd’s The Wall is an interesting juxtaposition of walls and fences. There are walls that protect the individual from society, there are walls that alienate individuals from each other and their audiences, and then as was perhaps one of the best illustrations of reality mimicking art, “The (real) Wall” came down 10 years after the album.Only @wmoug astutely points out elsewhere the number of walls between countries and groups has increased from 11 to 70 over that period. Why? The internet was symptomatic of the 1980s neoliberalism doctrine of tearing down walls (and safety nets); but perhaps too quickly for the “analog” socio-economic institutions to adapt and adjust.

    1. SubstrateUndertow

      Fences/walls/gradient/membranes etc….. . . . One size does not fit all interpretive metaphors/perspectivesTake away all the fences/walls/gradient/membranes and you have no functional evolutionary organizing principle, no life forms, no structured/synchronizing networks to support complex social living-system dynamics. “LONG LIVE EVOLUTIONARY NETWORKS”better living through dis-intermediating APPSThe value of fences physical/metaphoric/financial are like everything else that is complex “the devil is in the details”.Example: (@Labus)Yes an American “proletarian cultural revolution” has elected Trump because it had finally/validly lost patience with endless decades of top down entitled-elites FENCING them off from any equitable participation in social productivity. Unfortunately that “proletarian cultural revolution” has in fact shoot itself in the collective foot because that proletariate-coalescence simply lacks any effectively collaborative folk-knowledge/wisdom to work out the “COMPLEX DETAILS” required to transition from our contemporary centralized-representative-democraciic-governance to a more distributively-direct-democraciic-governance.”A SUB-GENIUS MUST HAVE SLACK”To become a genius at understanding the political/economic substrate mechanisms required to support equitable dovetailing of 300,000,000 stakeholders those same 300,000,000 stakeholders would need to control enough wealth/flexibility/SLACK to stand back an master the complexities at hand. The American proletariate, like all proletariates, are kept far to busy (nose to the grindstone) staying alive financially to accumulate the necessary observational SLACK to meaningfully challenge the incumbent entitled-elites.”YET ANOTHER CHICKEN OR EGG PROBLEM”

  12. PhilipSugar

    He should use this song and verse as his background music from the five man electric band.”And the sign says anybody caught trespassing will be shot on sightSo I jumped on the fence and I yelled at the house, hey! what gives you the rightTo put up a fence and keep me out or to keep mother nature inIf god was here he’d tell you to your face man you’re some kind of sinner”…