The Creative Independent
In a world full of click bait media and fake news, it is harder than ever to find authentic and meaningful content on the Internet. The utopian early days of blogging in the early 2000s, when this blog was started, seem long gone.
But the Internet is a vast place and there is quality content on it. Podcasts are a particularly bright spot right now and remain largely unpolluted.
The most exciting new entrant into my daily reads this year is The Creative Independent which quietly started publishing in late September.
The Creative Independent is a publication by artists for artists and is funded entirely by Kickstarter PBC and is advertising free.
Their mission is to “is to educate, inspire, and grow the community of people who create or dream of creating.”
Each day a new post appears that is about a particular artist and it’s dives into something specific about them and their work. I follow The Creative Independent on Twitter and am taken into the world of art and artists every day.
If you are looking for something a bit more meaningful to read every day or if you are an artist or have an appreciation for artists and their work, you may enjoy The Creative Independent as much as I do.