Posts from Blogs

Fun Friday: Blogs We Read

I am going with another reader suggestion for fun friday. Blog discovery is still too hard. There are so many great blogs out there and it is still too hard to find them.

So today we will list blogs we read that folks might not know about.

I will start it off with a few that I enjoy:

The Gurgling Cod – written by a friend's brother. It's mostly about food, but also veers into culture and politics from time to time.

Techman's World – written by AVC community member Michael Hazell. It's mostly tech reviews, news, and commentary.

Tracey Talks – written by screenwriter and author Tracey Jackson. Tracey Talks is a wide ranging blog about life, culture, and other interesting stuff.

Arnold's Wine Blog – everyone here knows Arnold. And Arnold knows wine. Enough said.

Becker Posner Blog – written by University of Chicago Professors Richard Posner and Gary Becker. This is the home of serious thought on the web. Amazing stuff. – nobody does the "picture plus a few choice words" thing better than Andy.

So those are a few of my regular reads that folks might not be reading and should. Now we open it up for everyone to chime in with their favorite blogs that folks might now know about.


Code As Craft

Software engineers are the guts of every company we are invested in. Their work is often behind the scenes and all that most of us see is the end product, and often just the front end of the end product.

I've noticed a trend in our portfolio and elsewhere to change that. A good example is Etsy's new engineering blog, Code As Craft. I love the name. Code is craft, and a very important craft at that. Chad Dickerson, Etsy's VP Engineering, writes in the first post on the Code As Craft blog:

At Etsy, our mission is to enable
people to make a living making things.  The engineers who make Etsy
make our living making something we love: software.  We think of our
code as craft — hence the name of the blog.  Here we’ll write about our
craft and our collective experience building and running Etsy, the
world’s most vibrant handmade marketplace.

Well said Chad.

Here are a couple other examples in our portfolio:

I am sure that there are a bunch of other great examples of this going on. If you know of any, please leave a link in the comments. I'm pleased that the work of the software engineers is starting to see the light of day. 

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